PBUK is the association of Polish Insurers underwriting in the territory of Poland compulsory motor third party liability insurance, commonly referred to as MTPL insurance.
In accordance with the principles of the Green Card System, Polish Motor Insurers' Bureau acts as the National Bureau which is a member of the Council of Bureaux and represents Poland in the System. Meeting the requirements of the so-called UN Geneva Recommendation (Recommendation No. 5 on Insurance of Motorists Against Third Party Risks - 25/01/1949, 1984, 2000, 2004) PBUK is an organization recognized by the Polish government. PBUK has signed the relevant agreements with the counterparts from other countries belonging to the Green Card System.
Polish membership in the Green Card System dates back to 1958, when after the imposition of compulsory motor insurance on civil liability (1952), a State Insurance Company (PZU) become a member of the Council of Bureaux. As a result of subsequent amendments to the Polish legislation Polish representation in the system moved sequentially to the Insurance and Reinsurance Company Warta SA (1960-1990), Polish Green Card Bureau (1990-1996) and the Polish Motor Insurance Bureau (from 05/10/1996) established under Section 10 amendment to the Act on Insurance of 28/07/1990. The amended Act of 06/08/1995 gave PBUK the legal status and constituted that it takes over all functions, rights and obligations of the Polish Green Card Bureau.
As of 01.01.2004 in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Compulsory Insurance, the Insurance Guarantee Fund and the Polish Motor Insurers’ Bureau, the current binding name of the Bureau is Polish Motor Insurers' Bureau.
As part of its activities, PBUK organizes the claim handling or carries the claim handling processes of losses caused in Poland by motor vehicles registered in countries being, like Poland, members of the Green Card System. PBUK also issues insurance certificates valid in other countries of the Green Card System, including the frontier policies accepted in the EEA countries. Documents issued by PBUK are used by insurance undertakings while concluding the insurance contracts within the framework of their activities.
Moreover, PBUK acts as compensation body and information center.
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